Difference between revisions of "ELTEdata linked open data properties (Q21422)"

From wikibase-docker
(‎Added [en] description: class of ELTEdata properties that provide identifiers designed to ensure that the same things are referred to where data are circulating between database projects)
(‎Added [hu] alias: külső azonosítók)
aliases / hu / 0aliases / hu / 0
külső azonosítók

Revision as of 12:55, 18 October 2023

class of ELTEdata properties that provide identifiers designed to ensure that the same things are referred to where data are circulating between database projects
Language Label Description Also known as
ELTEdata linked open data properties
class of ELTEdata properties that provide identifiers designed to ensure that the same things are referred to where data are circulating between database projects
