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===== '''HISTORY OF PHILOSOPHY''' =====
===== '''HISTORY OF PHILOSOPHY''' =====
* - [[Kormoczi Janos Az emberiseg megtanulasanak oskolaja Egy halotti beszed|KÖRMÖCZI János: ''The School of Learning Humanity.'' ''A funeral oration'' (1802)]]
* - [https://eltedata.elte-dh.hu/wiki/PHILOSOPHIA_1 KÖRMÖCZI János: ''The School of Learning Humanity.'' ''A funeral oration'' (1802)]
* - [[Kormoczi Janos székfoglaló beszéde a Kolozsvári Unitárius Kollégium rektori hivatalának elfoglalásakor (1802)|KÖRMÖCZI János’s inaugural speech upon taking over the rector’s office at the Unitarian College of Kolozsvár (Cluj-Napoca) (1802)]]
* - [https://eltedata.elte-dh.hu/wiki/PHILOSOPHIA_2 KÖRMÖCZI János’s inaugural speech upon taking over the rector’s office at the Unitarian College of Kolozsvár (Cluj-Napoca) (1802)]
* - [[Körmöczi János jegyzetei Georg Christoph Lichtenbergnek az 1796 1797-es akadémiai évben a göttingeni egyetemen tartott kísérleti fizikai előadásairól|KÖRMÖCZI János’s notes on Georg Christoph Lichtenberg’s lectures on experimental physics at the University of Göttingen in the academic year 1796/1797]]
* - [https://eltedata.elte-dh.hu/wiki/PHILOSOPHIA_3 KÖRMÖCZI János’s notes on Georg Christoph Lichtenberg’s lectures on experimental physics at the University of Göttingen in the academic year 1796/1797]
* - [[Georg Christoph Lichtenberg göttingeni professzor tanúsítványa Körmöczi János számára (1797)|Certificate from Georg Christoph Lichtenberg, professor at the University of Göttingen to KÖRMÖCZI János (1797)]]
* - [https://eltedata.elte-dh.hu/wiki/PHILOSOPHIA_4 Certificate from Georg Christoph Lichtenberg, professor at the University of Göttingen to KÖRMÖCZI János (1797)]
* - [[Achenwall Szilagyi Marton 1770|SZILÁGYI Márton’s lecture notes on statistics during his peregrination to Göttingen (around 1770)]]
* - [https://eltedata.elte-dh.hu/wiki/STATISTICA_1 SZILÁGYI Márton’s lecture notes on statistics during his peregrination to Göttingen (around 1770)]
* - [[Az Emberrol A Politica Geographia Az elementaris Mathematica Geographia|''On Man'' – ''Political Geography'' – ''Elementary mathematical geography.'' The political geography notes of an unknown author (First half of the nineteenth century)]]
* - [https://eltedata.elte-dh.hu/wiki/STATISTICA_2 ''On Man'' – ''Political Geography'' – ''Elementary mathematical geography.'' The political geography notes of an unknown author (First half of the nineteenth century)]
* - [[Ignaz de Luca 1794|A dispute on political studies and the division of statistics and political science at the Faculty of Law of the University of Vienna (1794)]]
* - [https://eltedata.elte-dh.hu/wiki/STATISTICA_3 A dispute on political studies and the division of statistics and political science at the Faculty of Law of the University of Vienna (1794)]
===== '''ETHNOLOGY – ANTHROPOLOGY''' =====
===== '''ETHNOLOGY – ANTHROPOLOGY''' =====
* - [[Bertalanffi Pál geográfiája 1757 részlet|BERTALANFFI Pál’s geography, excerpt (1757)]]
* - [https://eltedata.elte-dh.hu/wiki/ANTHROPOLOGIA_1 BERTALANFFI Pál’s geography, excerpt (1757)]
* - [[Vetsei Pataki István geográfiája 1757 részlet|VETSEI PATAKI István’s geography, excerpt (1757)]]
* - [https://eltedata.elte-dh.hu/wiki/ANTHROPOLOGIA_2 VETSEI PATAKI István’s geography, excerpt (1757)]
* - [[Baranyi László geográfiája 1796 részletek|BARANYI László’s geography, excerpt (1796)]]
* - [https://eltedata.elte-dh.hu/wiki/ANTHROPOLOGIA_3 BARANYI László’s geography, excerpt (1796)]
* - [[Benkő Ferenc geográfiája 1796 részlet|BENKŐ Ferenc’s geography, excerpt (1796)]]
* - [https://eltedata.elte-dh.hu/wiki/ANTHROPOLOGIA_4 BENKŐ Ferenc’s geography, excerpt (1796)]
* - [[Dobosy Mihály fordítása David Cranz Historie von Groenland című művéről 1810 részletek|DOBOSY Mihály’s translation of David Cranz’s ''Historie von Groenland'', excerpts (1810)]]
* - [https://eltedata.elte-dh.hu/wiki/ANTHROPOLOGIA_5 DOBOSY Mihály’s translation of David Cranz’s ''Historie von Groenland'', excerpts (1810)]
* - [[Almási Balogh Pál kéziratos kismonográfiája Ausztrália bennszülötteiről 1835 előtt részlet|ALMÁSI BALOGH Pál’s short manuscript monograph on the indigenous peoples of Australia, excerpt (1835)]]
* - [https://eltedata.elte-dh.hu/wiki/ANTHROPOLOGIA_6 ALMÁSI BALOGH Pál’s short manuscript monograph on the indigenous peoples of Australia, excerpt (1835)]
===== '''MEDICINE''' =====
===== '''MEDICINE''' =====
'''Physician profiles'''
'''Physician profiles'''
* - [[Cseh Szombathy Samuel Peregrinatio|CSEH-SZOMBATHY Sámuel’s travelogue written during his peregrination (1790–1792)]]
* - [https://eltedata.elte-dh.hu/wiki/MEDICINA_1 CSEH-SZOMBATHY Sámuel’s travelogue written during his peregrination (1790–1792)]
* - [[Cseh Szombathy Vegrendeletek|Two brothers from Pest in the service of science: The testaments of CSEH-SZOMBATHY Sámuel and CSEH-SZOMBATHY József (1807)]]
* - [https://eltedata.elte-dh.hu/wiki/MEDICINA_2 Two brothers from Pest in the service of science: The testaments of CSEH-SZOMBATHY Sámuel and CSEH-SZOMBATHY József (1807)]
'''Medical report (writing) as an epistemic genre and cognitive practice'''
'''Medical report (writing) as an epistemic genre and cognitive practice'''
* - [[Johann Jacob Engel Relatio Physico|Medical report for the year 1784 by the chief physician of Késmárk (Kežmarok), Johann Jacob Engel (1785)]]
* - [https://eltedata.elte-dh.hu/wiki/MEDICINA_3 Medical report for the year 1784 by the chief physician of Késmárk (Kežmarok), Johann Jacob Engel (1785)]
* - [[Czepecz János és Conrád András Sopron szabad királyi város főorvosainak az 1785-ös évre vonatkozó egészségügyi jelentése (1786)|Medical report for the year 1785 by the chief physicians of the free royal town of Sopron, János Czepecz and András Conrád (1786)]]
* - [https://eltedata.elte-dh.hu/wiki/MEDICINA_4 Medical report for the year 1785 by the chief physicians of the free royal town of Sopron, János Czepecz and András Conrád (1786)]
* - [[Gerics Pál MNL OL Festetics Lt P 274 3|'''The travel instructions of Count FESTETICS László to GERICS Pál, physician, veterinarian, and teacher of the Georgikon (1820)''']]
* - '''[https://eltedata.elte-dh.hu/wiki/OECONOMIA_1 The travel instructions of Count FESTETICS László to GERICS Pál, physician, veterinarian, and teacher of the Georgikon (1820)]'''
'''The reports of GERICS Pál, physician, veterinarian, and teacher of the Georgikon to Count FESTETICS László and the Directio (1821–1824)'''
'''The reports of GERICS Pál, physician, veterinarian, and teacher of the Georgikon to Count FESTETICS László and the Directio (1821–1824)'''
* - [[Gerics Pál MNL OL Festetics Lt P 274|Letters from England to Count FESTETICS László, 4 July 1821 - 3 March 1823]]
* - [https://eltedata.elte-dh.hu/wiki/OECONOMIA_2 Letters from England to Count FESTETICS László, 4 July 1821 - 3 March 1823]
* - [[Gerics Pál MNL OL Festetics Lt P 274 2|Reports from France to the Directio, 10 November 1823 - 6 January1824]]
* - [https://eltedata.elte-dh.hu/wiki/OECONOMIA_3 Reports from France to the Directio, 10 November 1823 - 6 January1824]
'''Excerpts from the revised manuscript journal ''Notes on travels in the more remote provinces of Europe'' of GERICS Pál, physician, veterinarian, and teacher of the Georgikon (1820–1821)'''
'''Excerpts from the revised manuscript journal ''Notes on travels in the more remote provinces of Europe'' of GERICS Pál, physician, veterinarian, and teacher of the Georgikon (1820–1821)'''
* - [[Gerics Pál Quart Hung 3727 1|Moravia and Silesia, 19 March  - 12 April 1820]]
* - [https://eltedata.elte-dh.hu/wiki/OECONOMIA_4 Moravia and Silesia, 19 March  - 12 April 1820]
* - [[Gerics Pál Quart Hung 3727 2|German principalities, 7-10 July 1820]]
* - [https://eltedata.elte-dh.hu/wiki/OECONOMIA_5 German principalities, 7-10 July 1820]
* - [[Gerics Pál Quart Hung 3727 3|The Netherlands, 26 December 1820  - 17 February 1821]]
* - [https://eltedata.elte-dh.hu/wiki/OECONOMIA_6 The Netherlands, 26 December 1820  - 17 February 1821]
* - [[Gerics Pál Quart Hung 3727 4|England, 1821 – 1822]]
* - [https://eltedata.elte-dh.hu/wiki/OECONOMIA_7 England, 1821 – 1822]
* [[Gerics Pál MNL OL Festetics Lt P 279|'''The revised manuscript journal of LEHRMANN József, gardener, viniculturist, and teacher of the Georgikon (1820–1822)''']]
*'''[https://eltedata.elte-dh.hu/wiki/OECONOMIA_8 The revised manuscript journal of LEHRMANN József, gardener, viniculturist, and teacher of the Georgikon (1820–1822)]'''

Latest revision as of 11:25, 26 November 2022

DigiTudásáramlás (DITU) / DigiCirculation_of_Knowledge (DICIKO)






Physician profiles

Medical report (writing) as an epistemic genre and cognitive practice


The reports of GERICS Pál, physician, veterinarian, and teacher of the Georgikon to Count FESTETICS László and the Directio (1821–1824)

Excerpts from the revised manuscript journal Notes on travels in the more remote provinces of Europe of GERICS Pál, physician, veterinarian, and teacher of the Georgikon (1820–1821)