Ius tavernicale: Štúdie o procese formovania práva taverníckych miest v etapách vývoja taverníckeho súdu v Uhorsku 15. - 17. stor (Q8599)

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Law of the free cities: Studies about the formation process of free city law at the time of the creation of tavernical court in Hungarian in the 15th-17th century
Language Label Description Also known as
Ius tavernicale: Štúdie o procese formovania práva taverníckych miest v etapách vývoja taverníckeho súdu v Uhorsku 15. - 17. stor
Law of the free cities: Studies about the formation process of free city law at the time of the creation of tavernical court in Hungarian in the 15th-17th century


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