(65 intermediate revisions by the same user not shown) |
description / en | description / en |
| + | Politician, humanist poet |
description / hu | description / hu |
| + | Politikus, humanista költő |
| Property / occupation |
| + | |
| Property / occupation: humanist / rank |
| + | Normal rank |
| Property / occupation |
| + | |
| Property / occupation: poet / rank |
| + | Normal rank |
| Property / occupation |
| + | |
| Property / occupation: politician / rank |
| + | Normal rank |
| Property / religion |
| + | |
| Property / religion: Protestantism / rank |
| + | Normal rank |
| Property / religion |
| + | |
| Property / religion: Catholic Church / rank |
| + | Normal rank |
| Property / educated at |
| + | |
| Property / educated at: Reformed College of Sárospatak / rank |
| + | Normal rank |
| Property / educated at |
| + | |
| Property / educated at: University of Strasbourg / rank |
| + | Normal rank |
| Property / educated at: University of Strasbourg / qualifier |
| + | point in time: 1586Timestamp | +1586-00-00T00:00:00Z |
Timezone | +00:00 |
Calendar | Gregorian |
Precision | 1 year |
Before | 0 |
After | 0 |
| Property / educated at |
| + | |
| Property / educated at: University of Wittenberg / rank |
| + | Normal rank |
| Property / educated at: University of Wittenberg / qualifier |
| + | start time: August 1587GregorianTimestamp | +1587-08-00T00:00:00Z |
Timezone | +00:00 |
Calendar | Gregorian |
Precision | 1 month |
Before | 0 |
After | 0 |
| Property / educated at: University of Wittenberg / reference |
| + | |
| Property / educated at |
| + | |
| Property / educated at: University of Padua / rank |
| + | Normal rank |
| Property / student of |
| + | |
| Property / student of: Demeter Krakkai / rank |
| + | Normal rank |
| Property / significant event |
| + | |
| Property / significant event: travel / rank |
| + | Normal rank |
| Property / significant event: travel / qualifier |
| + | |
| Property / significant event: travel / qualifier |
| + | |
| Property / significant event: travel / qualifier |
| + | start time: 3 September 1591GregorianTimestamp | +1591-09-03T00:00:00Z |
Timezone | +00:00 |
Calendar | Gregorian |
Precision | 1 day |
Before | 0 |
After | 0 |
| Property / significant event: travel / qualifier |
| + | end time: November 1591GregorianTimestamp | +1591-11-00T00:00:00Z |
Timezone | +00:00 |
Calendar | Gregorian |
Precision | 1 month |
Before | 0 |
After | 0 |
| Property / significant event |
| + | |
| Property / significant event: speech / rank |
| + | Normal rank |
| Property / significant event: speech / qualifier |
| + | |
| Property / significant event: speech / qualifier |
| + | point in time: 1587Timestamp | +1587-00-00T00:00:00Z |
Timezone | +00:00 |
Calendar | Gregorian |
Precision | 1 year |
Before | 0 |
After | 0 |
| Property / significant event |
| + | |
| Property / significant event: speech / rank |
| + | Normal rank |
| Property / significant event: speech / qualifier |
| + | |
| Property / significant event: speech / qualifier |
| + | point in time: 1589Timestamp | +1589-00-00T00:00:00Z |
Timezone | +00:00 |
Calendar | Gregorian |
Precision | 1 year |
Before | 0 |
After | 0 |
| Property / participant of |
| + | |
| Property / participant of: long Turkish War / rank |
| + | Normal rank |
| Property / position |
| + | |
| Property / position: captain / rank |
| + | Normal rank |
| Property / position: captain / qualifier |
| + | |
| Property / spouse |
| + | |
| Property / spouse: Kata Kerecsényi / rank |
| + | Normal rank |
| Property / spouse: Kata Kerecsényi / qualifier |
| + | start time: 1600Timestamp | +1600-00-00T00:00:00Z |
Timezone | +00:00 |
Calendar | Gregorian |
Precision | 1 year |
Before | 0 |
After | 0 |
| Property / acquaintanceship |
| + | |
| Property / acquaintanceship: Bálint Sárközi Dohi / rank |
| + | Normal rank |
| Property / acquaintanceship |
| + | |
| Property / acquaintanceship: Sándor Szamosközi R. / rank |
| + | Normal rank |
| Property / acquaintanceship |
| + | |
| Property / acquaintanceship: Zsigmond Péchy / rank |
| + | Normal rank |
| Property / acquaintanceship |
| + | |
| Property / acquaintanceship: Johannes Bocatius / rank |
| + | Normal rank |
| Property / corresponded with |
| + | |
| Property / corresponded with: Justus Lipsius / rank |
| + | Normal rank |
| Property / corresponded with: Justus Lipsius / qualifier |
| + | point in time: 5 June 1589GregorianTimestamp | +1589-06-05T00:00:00Z |
Timezone | +00:00 |
Calendar | Gregorian |
Precision | 1 day |
Before | 0 |
After | 0 |
| Property / corresponded with |
| + | |
| Property / corresponded with: Johannes Bocatius / rank |
| + | Normal rank |
| Property / corresponded with: Johannes Bocatius / qualifier |
| + | point in time: 16 September 1598GregorianTimestamp | +1598-09-16T00:00:00Z |
Timezone | +00:00 |
Calendar | Gregorian |
Precision | 1 day |
Before | 0 |
After | 0 |
| Property / corresponded with: Johannes Bocatius / qualifier |
| + | point in time: 21 September 1598GregorianTimestamp | +1598-09-21T00:00:00Z |
Timezone | +00:00 |
Calendar | Gregorian |
Precision | 1 day |
Before | 0 |
After | 0 |
| Property / corresponded with |
| + | |
| Property / corresponded with: Johann Jacob Grynaeus / rank |
| + | Normal rank |
| Property / corresponded with: Johann Jacob Grynaeus / qualifier |
| + | point in time: 26 August 1588GregorianTimestamp | +1588-08-26T00:00:00Z |
Timezone | +00:00 |
Calendar | Gregorian |
Precision | 1 day |
Before | 0 |
After | 0 |
| Property / corresponded with: Johann Jacob Grynaeus / qualifier |
| + | point in time: 31 December 1588GregorianTimestamp | +1588-12-31T00:00:00Z |
Timezone | +00:00 |
Calendar | Gregorian |
Precision | 1 day |
Before | 0 |
After | 0 |
| Property / corresponded with: Johann Jacob Grynaeus / qualifier |
| + | point in time: 21 February 1591GregorianTimestamp | +1591-02-21T00:00:00Z |
Timezone | +00:00 |
Calendar | Gregorian |
Precision | 1 day |
Before | 0 |
After | 0 |
| Property / corresponded with |
| + | |
| Property / corresponded with: Simon Forgách / rank |
| + | Normal rank |
| Property / corresponded with: Simon Forgách / qualifier |
| + | point in time: 26 November 1591GregorianTimestamp | +1591-11-26T00:00:00Z |
Timezone | +00:00 |
Calendar | Gregorian |
Precision | 1 day |
Before | 0 |
After | 0 |
| Property / noble title |
| + | |
| Property / noble title: baron / rank |
| + | Normal rank |
| Property / secondary literature |
| + | |
| Property / secondary literature: Magyarország családai czímerekkel és nemzékrendi táblákkal / rank |
| + | Normal rank |
| Property / secondary literature: Magyarország családai czímerekkel és nemzékrendi táblákkal / qualifier |
| + | |
| Property / secondary literature |
| + | |
| Property / secondary literature: Historia Hungarorum Ecclesiastica / rank |
| + | Normal rank |
| Property / secondary literature: Historia Hungarorum Ecclesiastica / qualifier |
| + | |
| Property / secondary literature |
| + | |
| Property / secondary literature: A wittenbergi akadémián a XVI. században tanult magyar ifjak latin versei mint forrásművek és pótlékok a Magyar Athenáshoz / rank |
| + | Normal rank |
| Property / secondary literature: A wittenbergi akadémián a XVI. században tanult magyar ifjak latin versei mint forrásművek és pótlékok a Magyar Athenáshoz / qualifier |
| + | |
| Property / secondary literature |
| + | |
| Property / secondary literature: Iskolatörténeti adattár / rank |
| + | Normal rank |
| Property / secondary literature: Iskolatörténeti adattár / qualifier |
| + | |
| Property / secondary literature |
| + | |
| Property / secondary literature: Giordano Bruno a magyar irodalomban / rank |
| + | Normal rank |
| Property / secondary literature: Giordano Bruno a magyar irodalomban / qualifier |
| + | |
| Property / secondary literature |
| + | |
| Property / secondary literature: Forgách Mihály és Justus Lipsius levélváltása / rank |
| + | Normal rank |
| Property / secondary literature: Forgách Mihály és Justus Lipsius levélváltása / qualifier |
| + | |
| Property / secondary literature |
| + | |
| Property / secondary literature: Der Freundes- und Bekanntenkreis eines deutschen Juristen im letzten Viertel des 16. Jahrhunderts. Das Stammbuch des Benedict Carpzov aus seinen Studien- und Reisejahren 1585–1589 / rank |
| + | Normal rank |
| Property / secondary literature: Der Freundes- und Bekanntenkreis eines deutschen Juristen im letzten Viertel des 16. Jahrhunderts. Das Stammbuch des Benedict Carpzov aus seinen Studien- und Reisejahren 1585–1589 / qualifier |
| + | |
| Property / secondary literature |
| + | |
| Property / secondary literature: Melanchthon és a Wittenbergben tanult magyarok az 1550-es évektől 1587-ig (Adalékok Melanchthon magyarországi recepciójának első évszázadához) / rank |
| + | Normal rank |
| Property / secondary literature |
| + | |
| Property / secondary literature: A régi magyar utazási irodalom az európai utazáselméleti művek tükrében / rank |
| + | Normal rank |
| Property / secondary literature |
| + | |
| Property / secondary literature: Johann Jacob Grynaeus magyar kapcsolatai / rank |
| + | Normal rank |
| Property / secondary literature: Johann Jacob Grynaeus magyar kapcsolatai / qualifier |
| + | |
| Property / secondary literature |
| + | |
| Property / secondary literature: Jezsuita okmánytár, I/1: Erdélyt és Magyarországot érintő iratok, 1601-1606 / rank |
| + | Normal rank |
| Property / secondary literature: Jezsuita okmánytár, I/1: Erdélyt és Magyarországot érintő iratok, 1601-1606 / qualifier |
| + | |
| Property / secondary literature |
| + | |
| Property / secondary literature: A History of Curiosity: The Theory of Travel 1550-1800 / rank |
| + | Normal rank |
| Property / secondary literature: A History of Curiosity: The Theory of Travel 1550-1800 / qualifier |
| + | |
| Property / secondary literature: A History of Curiosity: The Theory of Travel 1550-1800 / qualifier |
| + | |
| Property / secondary literature |
| + | |
| Property / secondary literature: A késő humanizmus irodalma Sárospatakon 1558–1598 / rank |
| + | Normal rank |
| Property / secondary literature: A késő humanizmus irodalma Sárospatakon 1558–1598 / qualifier |
| + | |
| Property / secondary literature |
| + | |
| Property / secondary literature: Hungarian Connections of Nicodemus Frischlin / rank |
| + | Normal rank |
| Property / secondary literature: Hungarian Connections of Nicodemus Frischlin / qualifier |
| + | |
| Property / secondary literature: Hungarian Connections of Nicodemus Frischlin / qualifier |
| + | |
| Property / secondary literature |
| + | |
| Property / secondary literature: Az utazás laudatív ábrázolása Forgách Mihály wittenbergi beszédében / rank |
| + | Normal rank |
| Property / secondary literature |
| + | |
| Property / secondary literature: Áttérők - protestáns értelmiségiek katolizálása a 16–17. században / rank |
| + | Normal rank |
| Property / secondary literature: Áttérők - protestáns értelmiségiek katolizálása a 16–17. században / qualifier |
| + | |
| Property / secondary literature |
| + | |
| Property / secondary literature: A reformáció és a Forgách család a 16–17. század fordulójáig / rank |
| + | Normal rank |