imported>Ádám Sebestyén |
(51 intermediate revisions by 2 users not shown) |
description / en | description / en |
- | Italian astronomer and historian
| + | Italian humanist, poet, astronomer and historiographer |
description / hu | description / hu |
- | Itáliai csillagász, történetíró
| + | Itáliai humanista, költő, csillagász, történetíró |
Property / date of birth | Property / date of birth |
- | unknown value
| + | 1420sTimestamp | +1420-00-00T00:00:00Z |
Timezone | +00:00 |
Calendar | Julian |
Precision | 10 years |
Before | 0 |
After | 0 |
Property / date of death | Property / date of death |
- | unknown value
| + | 1490sTimestamp | +1490-00-00T00:00:00Z |
Timezone | +00:00 |
Calendar | Julian |
Precision | 10 years |
Before | 0 |
After | 0 |
| Property / spouse: Sofia Montagnana / qualifier |
| + | start time: 1460sTimestamp | +1460-00-00T00:00:00Z |
Timezone | +00:00 |
Calendar | Julian |
Precision | 10 years |
Before | 0 |
After | 0 |
Property / spouse: Sofia Montagnana / qualifier | |
- | | |
| Property / educated at: Ferrara / qualifier |
| + | start time: 1440sTimestamp | +1440-00-00T00:00:00Z |
Timezone | +00:00 |
Calendar | Julian |
Precision | 10 years |
Before | 0 |
After | 0 |
Property / educated at: Ferrara / qualifier | |
- | | |
| Property / educated at: University of Padua / qualifier |
| + | start time: 1450sTimestamp | +1450-00-00T00:00:00Z |
Timezone | +00:00 |
Calendar | Julian |
Precision | 10 years |
Before | 0 |
After | 0 |
Property / educated at: University of Padua / qualifier | |
- | | |
| Property / occupation |
| + | |
| Property / occupation: historiographer / rank |
| + | Normal rank |
| Property / occupation |
| + | |
| Property / occupation: philosopher / rank |
| + | Normal rank |
| Property / corresponded with |
| + | |
| Property / corresponded with: Lorenzo de’ Medici / rank |
| + | Normal rank |
| Property / corresponded with: Lorenzo de’ Medici / qualifier |
| + | point in time: May 1478Timestamp | +1478-05-00T00:00:00Z |
Timezone | +00:00 |
Calendar | Julian |
Precision | 1 month |
Before | 0 |
After | 0 |
| Property / corresponded with |
| + | |
| Property / corresponded with: Domenico Stella / rank |
| + | Normal rank |
| Property / corresponded with: Domenico Stella / qualifier |
| + | point in time: 1477Timestamp | +1477-00-00T00:00:00Z |
Timezone | +00:00 |
Calendar | Julian |
Precision | 1 year |
Before | 0 |
After | 0 |
| Property / acquaintanceship |
| + | |
| Property / acquaintanceship: Janus Pannonius / rank |
| + | Normal rank |
| Property / acquaintanceship |
| + | |
| Property / acquaintanceship: Johannes de Zredna / rank |
| + | Normal rank |
| Property / acquaintanceship |
| + | |
| Property / acquaintanceship: Mathias I Corvinus / rank |
| + | Normal rank |
| Property / secondary literature |
| + | |
| Property / secondary literature: Notizie sopra Galeotto Marzio estratte dalle Vite inedite degl’illustri Narnesi / rank |
| + | Normal rank |
| Property / secondary literature |
| + | |
| Property / secondary literature: Galeotto Marzio életrajza / rank |
| + | Normal rank |
| Property / secondary literature: Galeotto Marzio életrajza / qualifier |
| + | |
| Property / secondary literature: Galeotto Marzio életrajza / qualifier |
| + | |
| Property / secondary literature: Galeotto Marzio életrajza / qualifier |
| + | |
| Property / secondary literature: Galeotto Marzio életrajza / qualifier |
| + | |
| Property / secondary literature: Galeotto Marzio életrajza / qualifier |
| + | |
| Property / secondary literature: Galeotto Marzio életrajza / qualifier |
| + | |
| Property / secondary literature: Galeotto Marzio életrajza / qualifier |
| + | |
| Property / secondary literature |
| + | |
| Property / secondary literature: Galeotto Marzio De egregie, sapienter et iocose dictis ac factis Matthiae Regis czimű műve, mint művelődéstörténelmi kútfő / rank |
| + | Normal rank |
| Property / secondary literature |
| + | |
| Property / secondary literature: Epistolae [Galeotto Marzio] / rank |
| + | Normal rank |
| Property / secondary literature |
| + | |
| Property / secondary literature: Carmina [Galeotto Marzio] / rank |
| + | Normal rank |
| Property / secondary literature |
| + | |
| Property / secondary literature: Invectivae in Franciscum Philelphum / rank |
| + | Normal rank |
| Property / secondary literature |
| + | |
| Property / secondary literature: Néhány adalék a magyarországi humanizmus történetéhez / rank |
| + | Normal rank |
| Property / secondary literature: Néhány adalék a magyarországi humanizmus történetéhez / qualifier |
| + | |
| Property / secondary literature |
| + | |
| Property / secondary literature: De egregie, sapienter, iocose dictis ac factis regis Mathiae: ad ducem Iohannem eius filium liber / rank |
| + | Normal rank |
| Property / secondary literature |
| + | |
| Property / secondary literature: Chiromanza (Chiromantia perfecta) / rank |
| + | Normal rank |
| Property / secondary literature |
| + | |
| Property / secondary literature: Galeotto Marzio e il ‘De homine’ / rank |
| + | Normal rank |
| Property / secondary literature |
| + | |
| Property / secondary literature: Un pionnier de la pensée libre au XVe siècle: Galeotto Marzio da Narni (1427?-1497?) / rank |
| + | Normal rank |
| Property / secondary literature |
| + | |
| Property / secondary literature: Galeotto és a hazai humanista facetia / rank |
| + | Normal rank |
| Property / secondary literature |
| + | |
| Property / secondary literature: Note su Galeotto Marzio / rank |
| + | Normal rank |
| Property / secondary literature: Note su Galeotto Marzio / qualifier |
| + | |
| Property / secondary literature |
| + | |
| Property / secondary literature: Narni nel primo Quattrocento e la famiglia dei Marzi / rank |
| + | Normal rank |
| Property / secondary literature |
| + | |
| Property / secondary literature: Galeotto Marzio a Montagnana / rank |
| + | Normal rank |
| Property / secondary literature |
| + | |
| Property / secondary literature: L’ambiente intellettuale di Galeotto Marzio in Ungheria / rank |
| + | Normal rank |
| Property / secondary literature |
| + | |
| Property / secondary literature: Fonti e spiritualità del ‘De egregie, sapienter, jocose dictis ac factis regis Mathiae’ / rank |
| + | Normal rank |
| Property / secondary literature |
| + | |
| Property / secondary literature: Il fenomeno umano nel ‘De homine libri duo’ e nella ‘Refutatio’ / rank |
| + | Normal rank |
| Property / secondary literature |
| + | |
| Property / secondary literature: Contributo alla conoscenza di Galeotto Marzio medico / rank |
| + | Normal rank |
| Property / secondary literature |
| + | |
| Property / secondary literature: Galeotto Marzio e l’edizione di Bonfini / rank |
| + | Normal rank |
| Property / secondary literature |
| + | |
| Property / secondary literature: Profilo di Galeotto Marzio umanista eretico / rank |
| + | Normal rank |
| Property / secondary literature |
| + | |
| Property / secondary literature: Le fonti antiche dei trattati filosofici di Galeotto / rank |
| + | Normal rank |
| Property / secondary literature |
| + | |
| Property / secondary literature: Galeotto Marzio da Narni. Profilo biobibliografico / rank |
| + | Normal rank |
| Property / secondary literature |
| + | |
| Property / secondary literature: Astrologia, religione e scienza nella cultura medica e filosofica di Galeotto Marzio / rank |
| + | Normal rank |
| Property / secondary literature |
| + | |
| Property / secondary literature: Galeotto Marzio ed il De homine fra Umanesimo bolognese ed europeo / rank |
| + | Normal rank |
| Property / secondary literature |
| + | |
| Property / secondary literature: “Etiam tacente Christo”: l’eresia laica di Galeotto Marzio / rank |
| + | Normal rank |
| Property / secondary literature |
| + | |
| Property / secondary literature: Grammatica e scienza negli itinerari italo–ungheresi di Galeotto Marzio / rank |
| + | Normal rank |
| Property / secondary literature |
| + | |
| Property / secondary literature: L’immagine dell’uomo e del mondo nel De doctrina promiscua di Galeotto Marzio / rank |
| + | Normal rank |
| Property / secondary literature |
| + | |
| Property / secondary literature: Dizionario Biografico degli Italiani / rank |
| + | Normal rank |
| Property / secondary literature: Dizionario Biografico degli Italiani / qualifier |
| + | |
| Property / secondary literature: Dizionario Biografico degli Italiani / qualifier |
| + | |
| Property / secondary literature |
| + | |
| Property / secondary literature: Galeotto Marzio alakja Bonfini Symposion című művében / rank |
| + | Normal rank |
| Property / secondary literature |
| + | |
| Property / secondary literature: Andrea Mantegna és Janus Pannonius / rank |
| + | Normal rank |
| Property / secondary literature |
| + | |
| Property / secondary literature: Medical astrology in Galeotto Marzio’s treatise dedicated to Lorenzo il Magnifico / rank |
| + | Normal rank |
| Property / secondary literature |
| + | |
| Property / secondary literature: Galeotto Marzio da Narni. Un filosofo umanista eclettico / rank |
| + | Normal rank |
| Property / secondary literature |
| + | |
| Property / secondary literature: Asztrológia, orvoslás és fiziognómia Galeotto Marzio műveiben / rank |
| + | Normal rank |
| Property / secondary literature |
| + | |
| Property / secondary literature: Francesco Filelfo and Francesco Sforza: Critical Edition of Filelfo's Sphortias. De genuensium deditione. Oratio parentalis, and his Polemical Exchange with Galeotto Marzio / rank |
| + | Normal rank |
| Property / secondary literature |
| + | |
| Property / secondary literature: Astrology at the Court of Matthias Corvinus / rank |
| + | Normal rank |
| Property / secondary literature: Astrology at the Court of Matthias Corvinus / qualifier |
| + | |
| Property / secondary literature |
| + | |
| Property / secondary literature: From King Matthias to Lorenzo de’ Medici: Galeotto Marzio’s Astrological Works and his Dedicatees / rank |
| + | Normal rank |