imported>WikibaseAdmin |
(57 intermediate revisions by 2 users not shown) |
aliases / hu / 0 | aliases / hu / 0 |
| + | Petrus de Rewa |
aliases / hu / 1 | aliases / hu / 1 |
| + | Petrus Reway |
aliases / hu / 2 | aliases / hu / 2 |
| + | Revay |
aliases / hu / 3 | aliases / hu / 3 |
| + | Révai |
description / en | description / en |
| + | Historiographer |
description / hu | description / hu |
| + | Történetíró |
| Property / sex or gender |
| + | |
| Property / sex or gender: male / rank |
| + | Normal rank |
| Property / collection |
| + | |
| Property / collection: HECE / rank |
| + | Normal rank |
| Property / place of birth |
| + | |
| Property / place of birth: Holíč / rank |
| + | Normal rank |
| Property / date of birth |
| + | 2 February 1568Timestamp | +1568-02-02T00:00:00Z |
Timezone | +00:00 |
Calendar | Julian |
Precision | 1 day |
Before | 0 |
After | 0 |
| Property / date of birth: 2 February 1568 / rank |
| + | Normal rank |
| Property / place of death |
| + | |
| Property / place of death: Trenčín / rank |
| + | Normal rank |
| Property / date of death |
| + | 5 June 1622GregorianTimestamp | +1622-06-05T00:00:00Z |
Timezone | +00:00 |
Calendar | Gregorian |
Precision | 1 day |
Before | 0 |
After | 0 |
| Property / date of death: 5 June 1622Gregorian / rank |
| + | Normal rank |
| Property / father |
| + | |
| Property / father: Mihály Révay / rank |
| + | Normal rank |
| Property / mother |
| + | |
| Property / mother: Anna Laki Bakith / rank |
| + | Normal rank |
| Property / sibling |
| + | |
| Property / sibling: Ferenc Révay / rank |
| + | Normal rank |
| Property / spouse |
| + | |
| Property / spouse: Mária Forgách / rank |
| + | Normal rank |
| Property / spouse: Mária Forgách / qualifier |
| + | start time: 1596Timestamp | +1596-00-00T00:00:00Z |
Timezone | +00:00 |
Calendar | Gregorian |
Precision | 1 year |
Before | 0 |
After | 0 |
| Property / occupation |
| + | |
| Property / occupation: humanist / rank |
| + | Normal rank |
| Property / occupation |
| + | |
| Property / occupation: historiographer / rank |
| + | Normal rank |
| Property / religion |
| + | |
| Property / religion: Lutheranism / rank |
| + | Normal rank |
| Property / educated at |
| + | |
| Property / educated at: Bardejov / rank |
| + | Normal rank |
| Property / educated at |
| + | |
| Property / educated at: Spišská Nová Ves / rank |
| + | Normal rank |
| Property / educated at |
| + | |
| Property / educated at: Jesuit College of Vienna / rank |
| + | Normal rank |
| Property / educated at: Jesuit College of Vienna / qualifier |
| + | start time: 1585Timestamp | +1585-00-00T00:00:00Z |
Timezone | +00:00 |
Calendar | Gregorian |
Precision | 1 year |
Before | 0 |
After | 0 |
| Property / educated at: Jesuit College of Vienna / qualifier |
| + | end time: 1588Timestamp | +1588-00-00T00:00:00Z |
Timezone | +00:00 |
Calendar | Gregorian |
Precision | 1 year |
Before | 0 |
After | 0 |
| Property / educated at |
| + | |
| Property / educated at: Academy of Strasbourg / rank |
| + | Normal rank |
| Property / educated at: Academy of Strasbourg / qualifier |
| + | start time: 1588Timestamp | +1588-00-00T00:00:00Z |
Timezone | +00:00 |
Calendar | Gregorian |
Precision | 1 year |
Before | 0 |
After | 0 |
| Property / educated at: Academy of Strasbourg / qualifier |
| + | |
| Property / educated at: Academy of Strasbourg / qualifier |
| + | |
| Property / educated at: Academy of Strasbourg / qualifier |
| + | |
| Property / significant event |
| + | |
| Property / significant event: travel / rank |
| + | Normal rank |
| Property / significant event: travel / qualifier |
| + | |
| Property / significant event: travel / qualifier |
| + | end time: 1592Timestamp | +1592-00-00T00:00:00Z |
Timezone | +00:00 |
Calendar | Gregorian |
Precision | 1 year |
Before | 0 |
After | 0 |
| Property / significant event |
| + | |
| Property / significant event: speech / rank |
| + | Normal rank |
| Property / significant event: speech / qualifier |
| + | |
| Property / significant event: speech / qualifier |
| + | point in time: 26 June 1590GregorianTimestamp | +1590-06-26T00:00:00Z |
Timezone | +00:00 |
Calendar | Gregorian |
Precision | 1 day |
Before | 0 |
After | 0 |
| Property / significant event |
| + | |
| Property / significant event: speech / rank |
| + | Normal rank |
| Property / significant event: speech / qualifier |
| + | |
| Property / significant event: speech / qualifier |
| + | point in time: 8 January 1591GregorianTimestamp | +1591-01-08T00:00:00Z |
Timezone | +00:00 |
Calendar | Gregorian |
Precision | 1 day |
Before | 0 |
After | 0 |
| Property / position |
| + | |
| Property / position: comes / rank |
| + | Normal rank |
| Property / position: comes / qualifier |
| + | |
| Property / position |
| + | |
| Property / position: crown guard / rank |
| + | Normal rank |
| Property / position |
| + | |
| Property / position: lord steward / rank |
| + | Normal rank |
| Property / participant of |
| + | |
| Property / participant of: long Turkish War / rank |
| + | Normal rank |
| Property / participant of: long Turkish War / qualifier |
| + | start time: 1593Timestamp | +1593-00-00T00:00:00Z |
Timezone | +00:00 |
Calendar | Gregorian |
Precision | 1 year |
Before | 0 |
After | 0 |
| Property / participant of: long Turkish War / qualifier |
| + | end time: 1606Timestamp | +1606-00-00T00:00:00Z |
Timezone | +00:00 |
Calendar | Gregorian |
Precision | 1 year |
Before | 0 |
After | 0 |
| Property / participant of |
| + | |
| Property / participant of: Imperial Diet / rank |
| + | Normal rank |
| Property / participant of: Imperial Diet / qualifier |
| + | |
| Property / participant of: Imperial Diet / qualifier |
| + | point in time: 1614Timestamp | +1614-00-00T00:00:00Z |
Timezone | +00:00 |
Calendar | Gregorian |
Precision | 1 year |
Before | 0 |
After | 0 |
| Property / participant of |
| + | |
| Property / participant of: synod / rank |
| + | Normal rank |
| Property / participant of: synod / qualifier |
| + | |
| Property / participant of: synod / qualifier |
| + | point in time: 1610Timestamp | +1610-00-00T00:00:00Z |
Timezone | +00:00 |
Calendar | Gregorian |
Precision | 1 year |
Before | 0 |
After | 0 |
| Property / acquaintanceship |
| + | |
| Property / acquaintanceship: János Rimay / rank |
| + | Normal rank |
| Property / acquaintanceship |
| + | |
| Property / acquaintanceship: György Thurzó / rank |
| + | Normal rank |
| Property / corresponded with |
| + | |
| Property / corresponded with: Justus Lipsius / rank |
| + | Normal rank |
| Property / corresponded with |
| + | |
| Property / corresponded with: Elias Berger / rank |
| + | Normal rank |
| Property / corresponded with |
| + | |
| Property / corresponded with: György Thurzó / rank |
| + | Normal rank |
| Property / secondary literature |
| + | |
| Property / secondary literature: Historiarum de rebus Ungaricis libri XXXIV. / rank |
| + | Normal rank |
| Property / secondary literature |
| + | |
| Property / secondary literature: Oratio funebris in solennibus exequiis... Petri de Rewa... habita in loco sepulturae ejusdem et majorum, in templo Martinopolitano Comitatus Thurocensis 17. Iulii, Anno Dei Hominis MDCXXII / rank |
| + | Normal rank |
| Property / secondary literature |
| + | |
| Property / secondary literature: Pázmány Péter és kora, első kötet (1570-1621) / rank |
| + | Normal rank |
| Property / secondary literature: Pázmány Péter és kora, első kötet (1570-1621) / qualifier |
| + | |
| Property / secondary literature: Pázmány Péter és kora, első kötet (1570-1621) / qualifier |
| + | |
| Property / secondary literature |
| + | |
| Property / secondary literature: Az 1610-ik évi zsolnai evangelikus zsinat háromszázados emlékünnepén / rank |
| + | Normal rank |
| Property / secondary literature: Az 1610-ik évi zsolnai evangelikus zsinat háromszázados emlékünnepén / qualifier |
| + | |
| Property / secondary literature |
| + | |
| Property / secondary literature: Magyar szónokképzés a XVI. századi Strassburgban / rank |
| + | Normal rank |
| Property / secondary literature: Magyar szónokképzés a XVI. századi Strassburgban / qualifier |
| + | |
| Property / secondary literature |
| + | |
| Property / secondary literature: Fejezetek a XVI-XVII. századi magyarországi történetírás történetéből / rank |
| + | Normal rank |
| Property / secondary literature: Fejezetek a XVI-XVII. századi magyarországi történetírás történetéből / qualifier |
| + | |
| Property / secondary literature: Fejezetek a XVI-XVII. századi magyarországi történetírás történetéből / qualifier |
| + | |
| Property / secondary literature: Fejezetek a XVI-XVII. századi magyarországi történetírás történetéből / qualifier |
| + | |
| Property / secondary literature |
| + | |
| Property / secondary literature: Révay Péter / rank |
| + | Normal rank |
| Property / secondary literature: Révay Péter / qualifier |
| + | |
| Property / secondary literature: Révay Péter / qualifier |
| + | |
| Property / secondary literature: Révay Péter / qualifier |
| + | |
| Property / secondary literature: Révay Péter / qualifier |
| + | |
| Property / secondary literature: Révay Péter / qualifier |
| + | |
| Property / secondary literature: Révay Péter / qualifier |
| + | |
| Property / secondary literature: Révay Péter / qualifier |
| + | |
| Property / secondary literature |
| + | |
| Property / secondary literature: Printed Commonplace-books and the Structuring of Renaissance Thought / rank |
| + | Normal rank |
| Property / secondary literature |
| + | |
| Property / secondary literature: Politica: Six Books of Politics or Political Instruction / rank |
| + | Normal rank |
| Property / secondary literature: Politica: Six Books of Politics or Political Instruction / qualifier |
| + | |
| Property / secondary literature |
| + | |
| Property / secondary literature: Műfajok és művek a XVII. század magyarországi könyvkiadásában (1601–1655) / rank |
| + | Normal rank |
| Property / secondary literature: Műfajok és művek a XVII. század magyarországi könyvkiadásában (1601–1655) / qualifier |
| + | |
| Property / secondary literature |
| + | |
| Property / secondary literature: „Tu patriae, illa tuis vivet in historiis.” Előkészület egy új Istvánffi Miklós életrajzhoz / rank |
| + | Normal rank |
| Property / secondary literature |
| + | |
| Property / secondary literature: Az ismeretlen korona / rank |
| + | Normal rank |
| Property / secondary literature: Az ismeretlen korona / qualifier |
| + | |
| Property / secondary literature: Az ismeretlen korona / qualifier |
| + | |
| Property / secondary literature: Az ismeretlen korona / qualifier |
| + | |
| Property / secondary literature |
| + | |
| Property / secondary literature: Rimay vindicatus: Rimay János Justus Lipsiushoz írott leveléről / rank |
| + | Normal rank |
| Property / secondary literature |
| + | |
| Property / secondary literature: Lutheránus országtörténet újsztoikus keretben: Révay Péter Monarchiája / rank |
| + | Normal rank |
| Property / secondary literature |
| + | |
| Property / secondary literature: A Szent Korona Bethlen Gábor erdélyi fejedelem birtokában (1619-1622): egy korona-itinerárium összeállításának lehetőségeiről / rank |
| + | Normal rank |
| Property / secondary literature |
| + | |
| Property / secondary literature: Szent István, Szent Korona, államalapítás a protestáns történetírásban (16–18. század) / rank |
| + | Normal rank |
| Property / secondary literature |
| + | |
| Property / secondary literature: Az „országtáblák”, egy új koronavers és a pozsonyi Koronatorony különleges vasajtaja: újdonságok a Szent Korona 17. századi történetéhez / rank |
| + | Normal rank |
| Property / secondary literature |
| + | |
| Property / secondary literature: „Matthias Augusto similis”: Mátyás király a kora újkori protestáns múltszemléletben / rank |
| + | Normal rank |
| Property / secondary literature |
| + | |
| Property / secondary literature: „Iure electionis”: A 1608-as világi elit politikai programjának megfogalmazódása Révay Péter De monarchia... című munkájában / rank |
| + | Normal rank |