(54 intermediate revisions by the same user not shown) |
| Property / secondary literature |
| + | |
| Property / secondary literature: Der Humanist und Reformator Johannes Honterus / rank |
| + | Normal rank |
| Property / secondary literature |
| + | |
| Property / secondary literature: Magyarországi latin grammatikák és szótárak a XVI. században / rank |
| + | Normal rank |
| Property / secondary literature: Magyarországi latin grammatikák és szótárak a XVI. században / qualifier |
| + | |
| Property / secondary literature |
| + | |
| Property / secondary literature: Die Geschichte des Gottesdiensten der siebenbürger Sachsen / rank |
| + | Normal rank |
| Property / secondary literature |
| + | |
| Property / secondary literature: Die Reformation in Siebenbürgen. Ihr Verhältnis zu Wittenberg und der Schweiz I. / rank |
| + | Normal rank |
| Property / secondary literature |
| + | |
| Property / secondary literature: Két Honterus-mű variánsa / rank |
| + | Normal rank |
| Property / secondary literature |
| + | |
| Property / secondary literature: Honter két fametszetes csillagtérképe 1532-ből / rank |
| + | Normal rank |
| Property / secondary literature |
| + | |
| Property / secondary literature: Egy XVI. századi földrajzi kolligátumról / rank |
| + | Normal rank |
| Property / secondary literature |
| + | |
| Property / secondary literature: Zur Überlieferung des Gebetes Manasse / rank |
| + | Normal rank |
| Property / secondary literature |
| + | |
| Property / secondary literature: Zur Lebensgeschichte des Humanisten Kaspar von Pest / rank |
| + | Normal rank |
| Property / secondary literature |
| + | |
| Property / secondary literature: Újabb adatok Hoffgreff György kolozsvári nyomdász életéhez / rank |
| + | Normal rank |
| Property / secondary literature |
| + | |
| Property / secondary literature: A humanista metrikus dallamok Magyarországon / rank |
| + | Normal rank |
| Property / secondary literature: A humanista metrikus dallamok Magyarországon / qualifier |
| + | |
| Property / secondary literature: A humanista metrikus dallamok Magyarországon / qualifier |
| + | |
| Property / secondary literature |
| + | |
| Property / secondary literature: Die Ausgaben der “Cosmographia” von Johannes Honter / rank |
| + | Normal rank |
| Property / secondary literature |
| + | |
| Property / secondary literature: Johannes Honterus. Der Siebenbürger Humanist und Reformator / rank |
| + | Normal rank |
| Property / secondary literature |
| + | |
| Property / secondary literature: Die Herausbildung der Grammatik der Volkssprachen in Mittel- und Osteuropa. Studien über den Einfluss der lateinischen Elementargrammatik des Aelius Donatus De octo partibus orationis ars minor / rank |
| + | Normal rank |
| Property / secondary literature |
| + | |
| Property / secondary literature: Johannes Honterus. Sein Leben und Werk im Bild / rank |
| + | Normal rank |
| Property / secondary literature |
| + | |
| Property / secondary literature: Date noi privind viaţa şi activitatea umanistului Johannes Honterus / rank |
| + | Normal rank |
| Property / secondary literature |
| + | |
| Property / secondary literature: Johannes Honterus / rank |
| + | Normal rank |
| Property / secondary literature |
| + | |
| Property / secondary literature: Johannes Honterus als Geograph / rank |
| + | Normal rank |
| Property / secondary literature |
| + | |
| Property / secondary literature: Johannes Honterus als Buchillustrator / rank |
| + | Normal rank |
| Property / secondary literature |
| + | |
| Property / secondary literature: Die Zürcher Ausgaben von Honters ‘Atlas Minor’ und ihre Beschriftungen / rank |
| + | Normal rank |
| Property / secondary literature |
| + | |
| Property / secondary literature: Rudimenta Cosmographica / rank |
| + | Normal rank |
| Property / secondary literature |
| + | |
| Property / secondary literature: Die beiden Ausgaben der ‘Chorographia Transylvaniae’ von Johannes Honter / rank |
| + | Normal rank |
| Property / secondary literature |
| + | |
| Property / secondary literature: Honters Atlas minor von Zürich in selbständigen Ausgaben / rank |
| + | Normal rank |
| Property / secondary literature |
| + | |
| Property / secondary literature: The early Reformation in Europe / rank |
| + | Normal rank |
| Property / secondary literature: The early Reformation in Europe / qualifier |
| + | |
| Property / secondary literature |
| + | |
| Property / secondary literature: Honterus, der “Luther” Siebenbürgens / rank |
| + | Normal rank |
| Property / secondary literature |
| + | |
| Property / secondary literature: Pótlások és igazítások a “Régi Magyarországi Nyomtatványok” első kötetéhez. VII. / rank |
| + | Normal rank |
| Property / secondary literature |
| + | |
| Property / secondary literature: Die Reformation als ‘Krisenmanagement’. Überlegungen zur Identität einer siebenburgischen Stadt im Zeitalter der Reformation / rank |
| + | Normal rank |
| Property / secondary literature |
| + | |
| Property / secondary literature: Johannes Honterus: Schriften, Briefe, Zeugnisse / rank |
| + | Normal rank |
| Property / secondary literature |
| + | |
| Property / secondary literature: Honterus-emlékkönyv. Emlékülés és kiállítás Johannes Honterus halálának 450. évfordulója alkalmából az Országos Széchényi Könyvtárban, 1999 / rank |
| + | Normal rank |
| Property / secondary literature |
| + | |
| Property / secondary literature: Honterus és a brassói iskola / rank |
| + | Normal rank |
| Property / secondary literature |
| + | |
| Property / secondary literature: A reformáció szó értelme Honterus 1543-as művének címében / rank |
| + | Normal rank |
| Property / secondary literature |
| + | |
| Property / secondary literature: A jogtudós Honterus. Az európai ‘ius commune’ közvetítője / rank |
| + | Normal rank |
| Property / secondary literature |
| + | |
| Property / secondary literature: Honterus: Rudimenta Cosmographica (1542). Kozmográfia és/vagy geográfia? / rank |
| + | Normal rank |
| Property / secondary literature |
| + | |
| Property / secondary literature: Erdély térképi forrásai a 16. században / rank |
| + | Normal rank |
| Property / secondary literature |
| + | |
| Property / secondary literature: Johannes Honterus égboltképe / rank |
| + | Normal rank |
| Property / secondary literature |
| + | |
| Property / secondary literature: Versuch einer Bibliographie der Ausländischen Ausgaben der Werke des Kronstädter Humanisten Johannes Hontersus (Stand 25. April 2000) / rank |
| + | Normal rank |
| Property / secondary literature |
| + | |
| Property / secondary literature: Versuch einer Bibliographie der ausländischen Ausgaben der Werke des Kronstädter Humanisten Johannes Honterus / rank |
| + | Normal rank |
| Property / secondary literature |
| + | |
| Property / secondary literature: “Sis bonus atque humilis, sic te virtusque Deusque/ Tollet in excelsum, constituetque locum.” Die humanistische Reformation im siebenbürgischen Kronstadt: Johannes Honterus und Valentin Wagner / rank |
| + | Normal rank |
| Property / secondary literature |
| + | |
| Property / secondary literature: Konfessionsbildung und Konfessionalisierung im städtischen Kontext. Eine Fallstudie am Beispiel von Kronstadt in Siebenbürgen (ca. 1550-1680) / rank |
| + | Normal rank |
| Property / secondary literature |
| + | |
| Property / secondary literature: The Virgin Mary and the publican: Lutheranism and social order in Transylvania / rank |
| + | Normal rank |
| Property / secondary literature |
| + | |
| Property / secondary literature: Honterus Erdély-térképének vetületéről, pontosságáról / rank |
| + | Normal rank |
| Property / secondary literature |
| + | |
| Property / secondary literature: Egy Honterus-kolligátum / rank |
| + | Normal rank |
| Property / secondary literature |
| + | |
| Property / secondary literature: Star maps. History, artistry, and cartography / rank |
| + | Normal rank |
| Property / secondary literature |
| + | |
| Property / secondary literature: Néhány megjegyzés a Honter-féle Nilus-kiadás utóéletéhez / rank |
| + | Normal rank |
| Property / secondary literature |
| + | |
| Property / secondary literature: ‘Poetica est...’. Johann Honter latin grammatikájának irodalomelméleti vonatkozásai / rank |
| + | Normal rank |
| Property / secondary literature |
| + | |
| Property / secondary literature: A reformáció nyelve. Tanulmányok a magyarországi reformáció első negyedszázadának vizsgálata alapján / rank |
| + | Normal rank |
| Property / secondary literature: A reformáció nyelve. Tanulmányok a magyarországi reformáció első negyedszázadának vizsgálata alapján / qualifier |
| + | |
| Property / secondary literature |
| + | |
| Property / secondary literature: Widerstandsrecht bei Honterus und seinen ungarischen Zeitgenossen / rank |
| + | Normal rank |
| Property / secondary literature |
| + | |
| Property / secondary literature: Johannes Honterus Chorographia Transylvaniae Sybembürgen című térképének kiadástörténeti áttekintése / rank |
| + | Normal rank |
| Property / secondary literature |
| + | |
| Property / secondary literature: L’unique editio princeps transylvanie du XVIe siècle : le Nilus de Johann Honter / rank |
| + | Normal rank |
| Property / secondary literature |
| + | |
| Property / secondary literature: Johannes Honterus: God’s Evangelist in Transylvanian Lands / rank |
| + | Normal rank |
| Property / secondary literature |
| + | |
| Property / secondary literature: Konsolidierung des reformierten Bekenntnisses im Reich der Stephanskrone. Ein Beitrag zur Kommunikationsgeschichte zwischen Ungarn und der Schweiz in der frühen Neuzeit (1500–1700) / rank |
| + | Normal rank |
| Property / secondary literature |
| + | |
| Property / secondary literature: The Collection “Odae cum harmoniis” by Johannes Honterus : In Memoriam Astrid Philippi-Niedermaier / rank |
| + | Normal rank |