imported>Ádám Sebestyén |
(22 intermediate revisions by 2 users not shown) |
description / en | description / en |
- | Humanist nobleman, patron
| + | Lutheran humanist nobleman, patron, theologian, founder of the gymnasium in Strážky |
description / hu | description / hu |
- | Humanista nemes, patrónus
| + | Evangélikus humanista nemes, patrónus, teológus, a nagyőri gimnázium alapítója |
Property / religion | Property / religion |
- | | + | |
Property / educated at | |
- | | |
Property / educated at: Linz / rank | |
- | Normal rank
| |
Property / educated at | |
- | | |
Property / educated at: Bern / rank | |
- | Normal rank
| |
Property / educated at | |
- | | |
Property / educated at: Lausanne / rank | |
- | Normal rank
| |
| Property / significant event: travel / qualifier |
| + | |
| Property / significant event: travel / qualifier |
| + | |
| Property / significant event: travel / qualifier |
| + | |
| Property / significant event: travel / qualifier |
| + | |
| Property / significant event: travel / qualifier |
| + | |
| Property / significant event: travel / qualifier |
| + | |
| Property / significant event: travel / qualifier |
| + | |
| Property / significant event: travel / qualifier |
| + | |
| Property / significant event: travel / qualifier |
| + | |
| Property / significant event: travel / qualifier |
| + | |
| Property / significant event: travel / qualifier |
| + | |
| Property / acquaintanceship: Hugo Blotius / qualifier |
| + | point in time: 1574Timestamp | +1574-00-00T00:00:00Z |
Timezone | +00:00 |
Calendar | Julian |
Precision | 1 year |
Before | 0 |
After | 0 |
| Property / acquaintanceship: Hugo Blotius / qualifier |
| + | |
Property / acquaintanceship | |
- | | |
Property / acquaintanceship: Eliáš Láni / rank | |
- | Normal rank
| |
| Property / occupation |
| + | |
| Property / occupation: translator / rank |
| + | Normal rank |
| Property / educated at |
| + | |
| Property / educated at: Altdorf Academy / rank |
| + | Normal rank |
| Property / disputed with |
| + | |
| Property / disputed with: Matthias Thoraconymus / rank |
| + | Normal rank |
| Property / disputed with |
| + | |
| Property / disputed with: Caspar Pilcius / rank |
| + | Normal rank |
| Property / participant of |
| + | |
| Property / participant of: colloquy / rank |
| + | Normal rank |
| Property / participant of: colloquy / qualifier |
| + | |
| Property / participant of: colloquy / qualifier |
| + | point in time: 10 July 1585GregorianTimestamp | +1585-07-10T00:00:00Z |
Timezone | +00:00 |
Calendar | Gregorian |
Precision | 1 day |
Before | 0 |
After | 0 |
| Property / participant of: colloquy / qualifier |
| + | |
| Property / participant of |
| + | |
| Property / participant of: colloquy / rank |
| + | Normal rank |
| Property / participant of: colloquy / qualifier |
| + | |
| Property / participant of: colloquy / qualifier |
| + | point in time: 1 September 1590GregorianTimestamp | +1590-09-01T00:00:00Z |
Timezone | +00:00 |
Calendar | Gregorian |
Precision | 1 day |
Before | 0 |
After | 0 |
| Property / participant of: colloquy / qualifier |
| + | |
| Property / corresponded with |
| + | |
| Property / corresponded with: Severin Sculteti / rank |
| + | Normal rank |
| Property / secondary literature |
| + | |
| Property / secondary literature: Gradeczi Horváth Gergely és Lám (Ambrosius) Sebestyén hitvitája (Első közelmény) / rank |
| + | Normal rank |
| Property / secondary literature |
| + | |
| Property / secondary literature: A reformáció és ellenreformáció története a Szepességben / rank |
| + | Normal rank |
| Property / secondary literature |
| + | |
| Property / secondary literature: A Grádeczi Horváth Stansith-család levéltára / rank |
| + | Normal rank |
| Property / secondary literature |
| + | |
| Property / secondary literature: „A képekről való tudomány”. Fejezet a XVI. századi magyarországi képrombolóharc történetéből / rank |
| + | Normal rank |
| Property / secondary literature |
| + | |
| Property / secondary literature: Horváth Gergely ismeretlen 16. századbeli magyar könyvei / rank |
| + | Normal rank |
| Property / secondary literature |
| + | |
| Property / secondary literature: Humanista a határon. A késmárki Sebastian Ambrosius története (1554–1600) / rank |
| + | Normal rank |
| Property / secondary literature: Humanista a határon. A késmárki Sebastian Ambrosius története (1554–1600) / qualifier |
| + | |
| Property / secondary literature: Humanista a határon. A késmárki Sebastian Ambrosius története (1554–1600) / qualifier |
| + | |
| Property / secondary literature: Humanista a határon. A késmárki Sebastian Ambrosius története (1554–1600) / qualifier |
| + | |
| Property / secondary literature: Humanista a határon. A késmárki Sebastian Ambrosius története (1554–1600) / qualifier |
| + | |
| Property / secondary literature: Humanista a határon. A késmárki Sebastian Ambrosius története (1554–1600) / qualifier |
| + | |
| Property / secondary literature: Humanista a határon. A késmárki Sebastian Ambrosius története (1554–1600) / qualifier |
| + | |